Resolved Cases

What is Mediation?

Family mediation is a negotiation between two parties that happens with the help of a third party - the ‘mediator’. It can provide a lower-conflict (and lower-cost) alternative to taking familial disputes through the court system.

  • Who is choosing Mediation?

    More and more families in Ontario are turning to family mediation services as a way to work through the very complex issues surrounding family separation outside of the court system.

  • Our Promise

    While these decisions can never be made lightly, Separate Simply can assist your family in coming to a mutually beneficial agreement as smoothly and painlessly as possible.

Why Explore Mediation?

Mediation makes the process of family separation far more simple for everyone


At Separate Simply, we value your time, which could be spent with family, and recognize that the process of ending a long-term relationship, particularly one that involves children or shared assets is complicated.


We believe that these complex processes should be worked through as peacefully and efficiently as possible. A family mediator will assure that both parties can continue to engage with each other in the future in a positive manner.

Mutually Agreeable Solutions

Mediation services can help both parties find a mutually acceptable solution to their family conflicts and can lead to longer-term satisfaction and an increased ability to co-parent or divide assets respectfully and equitably.

Experts in field

An Alternative to Family Court

Many families would prefer to keep their separation proceedings out of family court if possible. It's best to avoid exposing their children to the trauma of witnessing a legal custody dispute if at all possible. While Family Mediation is voluntary, non legally binding and confidential, family court can be mandated, legally binding, and is public record.

Save Money
Save Time
Best interest of the Children

Mediation and Family Court

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About us

The team at Separate Simply has a background in family mediation and conflict resolution. Our mission is helping our clients work towards positive solutions that benefit both parties.

Qualified Mediators

During the mediation process, both parties meet with a trained, impartial third party who are experts in their field. Ontario has strict standards for qualifying to become a mediator.

Experience and Trust

Clients at Separate Simply can feel rest assured that they are being assisted by someone with years of family mediation experience and a strong background in family law, conflict resolution and dispute management.

Better Outcomes

Family mediation allows two parties that are legally and emotionally dissolving their relationship to maintain and develop a civil relationship as they move to being amicable co-parents or exes, ameliorating as much resentment or bitterness as possible. We recommend clients seek independent legal advice alongside mediation services.

Navigating Separation

If you believe mediation might be the right choice for your family, Separate Simply is here to support you. Keep reading to learn more about the specific services we offer, our experience, and how we can help your family navigate separation.

Parenting Plans

In cases where a relationship or partnership is being dissolved but both partners are still committed to maintaining their relationship as co-parents, mediation can be a way to come to an agreement on such difficult issues as child support and child custody.

For this reason, family mediation is often thought to be a better alternative to going to court for children, who often suffer the most during drawn-out custody disputes.

By using a family mediator, both parties can:

  • Work towards an agreement
  • Serve the best interests of the child
  • Maintain a positive co-parenting relationship

Litigation VS. Family Mediation Toronto

Cost Litigation can cost up to $90,000 depending on how long the case complexity and how long it takes the court to resolve it. Costs less than $9,000. You may end up paying only $2,000 if the case is less complex than normal.
Expectation It’s impossible for a lawyer to provide a baseline on how much it’ll cost to “win” and gain your entitlements. The same is the case for the litigation’s timeline. The mediation team will provide a definitive estimate of the cost and timeline upfront.
Timing The pre-trial phase of litigation in family court can take up the next 18 months. And you do have to pay your lawyer through this timeline. A comprehensive trial can take several years. Family mediation offers a more reasonable time estimate. Both parties can come to an agreed resolution in less than three weeks.
Process The opposite parties in a family litigation case often contest all family assets, including full custody of the children. The mediators play an active part in finding a middle ground for both parties regarding asset division and who gets custody of the kids.
Privacy Court offers zero privacy. You’ll have to reveal personal details of your family life, work, relationship, and finances. It’ll all be on record and remain publicly accessible for life. Mediation comes with total privacy. Any personal information you provide will stay confidential and sealed away. Some family mediators go as far as destroying past client info after a predetermined timeline elapses.
Decision The final decision-maker is the judge. The judge’s ruling is final and incontestable. Mediators do not make the final decision regarding your family’s future. They’ll only guide you and your ex-partner to a mutually beneficial agreement for both parties and the kids.

Cost: Litigation can cost up to $90,000 depending on how long the case complexity and how long it takes the court to resolve it.

Expectation: It’s impossible for a lawyer to provide a baseline on how much it’ll cost to “win” and gain your entitlements. The same is the case for the litigation’s timeline.

Timing: The pre-trial phase of litigation in family court can take up the next 18 months. And you do have to pay your lawyer through this timeline. A comprehensive trial can take several years.

Process: The opposite parties in a family litigation case often contest all family assets, including full custody of the children.

Privacy: Court offers zero privacy. You’ll have to reveal personal details of your family life, work, relationship, and finances. It’ll all be on record and remain publicly accessible for life.

Decision: The final decision-maker is the judge. The judge’s ruling is final and incontestable.

Cost: Costs less than $9,000. You may end up paying only $2,000 if the case is less complex than normal.

Expectation: The mediation team will provide a definitive estimate of the cost and timeline upfront.

Timing: Family mediation offers a more reasonable time estimate. Both parties can come to an agreed resolution in less than three weeks.

Process: The mediators play an active part in finding a middle ground for both parties regarding asset division and who gets custody of the kids.

Privacy: Mediation comes with total privacy. Any personal information you provide will stay confidential and sealed away. Some family mediators go as far as destroying past client info after a predetermined timeline elapses.

Decision: Mediators do not make the final decision regarding your family’s future. They’ll only guide you and your ex-partner to a mutually beneficial agreement for both parties and the kids.
